Revolution | Eisenstein


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the October Uprising in 1917 we feature three of the most important related works of Sergei Eisenstein:

October 24, 20:30: STRIKE (1925)
October 26, 20:30: BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN (1925)
October 30, 20:30: OCTOBER (1928)

Revolution | Eisenstein
Original version with English subtitles
Sergei M. Eisenstein
Maksim Shtraukh, Grigori Aleksandrov, Mikhail Gomorov, Ivan Klyukvin, Aleksandr Antonov, I. Ivanov, Yudif Glizer, Vera Yanukova, Vladimir Uralsky
Plot Outline

The film depicts a strike in 1903 by the workers of a factory in pre-revolutionary Russia, and their subsequent suppression. The film is most famous for a sequence near the end in which the violent putting down of the strike is cross-cut with footage of cattle being slaughtered, although there are several other points in the movie where animals are used as metaphors for the conditions of various individuals. Another theme in the film is collectivism in opposition to individualism which was viewed as a convention of western film.

Revolution | Eisenstein
Original version with English subtitles
Sergei M. Eisenstein
Aleksandr Antonov, Vladimir Barsky, Grigori Aleksandrov, Ivan Bobrov, Mikhail Gomorov, Aleksandr Levshin, Beatrice Vitoldi, Daniil Antonovich, Sergei M. Eisenstein
Plot Outline

A dramatized account of a great Russian naval mutiny and a resulting street demonstration which brought on a police massacre. The film had an incredible impact on the development of cinema and was a masterful example of montage editing.

Revolution | Eisenstein
Original version with English subtitles
Sergei M. Eisenstein, Grigori Aleksandrov
Vladimir Popov, Vasili Nikandrov, Layaschenko, Boris Livanov, Mikholyev, N. Podvoisky
Plot Outline

October is Sergei M. Eisenstein's docu-drama about the 1917 October Revolution in Russia. Made ten years after the events and edited in Eisenstein's 'Soviet Montage' style, it re-enacts in celebratory terms several key scenes from the revolution.